Although some thinkers in the social sciences have speculated
in a theoretical way about what happens to the body during illness
and the power of the mind that contributes to the healing process,
one can say that the real truth of the tale is found in the
imagistic expression of the experience itself. The experience
of illness and what it means to the ill person varies with the
individual. What the reality of illness means to the physician
is another story altogether. In fact, two entirely distinct
realities exist between patient and doctor. Nonetheless, medicine
is believed to be the process that makes us healthy and whole,
and it persists as the predominant way to maintain good health
and longevity. Scientific, medical, and clinical writers have
provided valuable data and advice about various disorders and
treatment procedures. However, a rift remains between the scientific
writer and the lay reader because the methodologist focuses
on symptomatology and a specific treatment modality while the
reader is looking for what it feels like to have
a certain illness.
In contrast to the traditional medical view of the patient as
a bearer of symptoms, those working in the realm of psychosomatic
medicine see the patient as a whole human being, with images,
thoughts, and emotions, not just a container of organs. The
experience of multiple sclerosis (MS) involves a collection
of motor disorders and a loss of sensation that makes the body
feel like an opposing force that changes one's sense of self
and is capable of causing humiliation and shame. However, the
entire experience also contains powerful and clear images called
eidetics, which can treat and heal the negative emotions and
change physiology. Conventional medicine views illness as a
diseased state and focuses on pathology while treating the body
as a faulty mechanism. The Eidetic Method explained in BEYOND
MS offers a different approach to treating emotional
and physical health with a focus on the well body and its connection
to the power of the mind.
Eidetic Image Therapy is a unique system of psychotherapy based
on the pioneering work of Akhter Ahsen, Ph.D., who is the originator
of the field of Image Psychology and leading theorist in the
scientific and clinical study of mental imagery. I have trained
extensively with Ahsen and worked closely with him on the eidetic
approach to the treatment of MS since 1988. BEYOND MS:
Itıs All in the Image presents a thorough introduction
for the professional and non-professional audience to this new
and different psychosomatic approach to healing multiple sclerosis.
The innovative method of eidetic therapy techniques and exercises
presented in this book have been successful in not only altering
everyday behavior, but also, and more important, in strengthening
emotional and physical health. An overview of the eidetic concept
is given for general understanding and the use of specific techniques
and images demonstrate more specifically how eidetics can be
operationalized to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis. However,
the reader will ultimately understand that any symptomatology
can be treated with eidetics. This model is an important development
in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, psychosomatic medicine,
neurophysiology, and neuroimmunology.
With the growing use of mental imagery in psychosomatic medicine
and psychology, the question of possible physiological mechanisms
by which imagery may affect somatic, cognitive, and affective
processes has become much more relevant. For example, recent
studies have focused on emotion-related brain activity and have
found that meditation decreases anxiety and increases positive
affect. This activity is said to occur in the part of the brain
that is associated with enhanced immune function.
The body does not lie! It tells us the truth about how we feel
and shows us that there is an imbalance in our physiology...if
we listen. Most of the time, we do not pay attention to our
body because the pain of feeling and knowing may be too much.
The eidetics carefully and compassionately show us what is needed
through images to heal and activate the body and mind toward
better health. BEYOND MS is about the psychology
of illness and a method of healing that has deep significance
for understanding the important subject of psychophysiology.
In the never-ending attempt to make sense out of life itself,
some of us look to other people's life stories to see if their
real-life experiences match the pattern of ours. In a step toward
wholeness and in an effort to satisfy our hunger for a shared
experience to help sustain us, we read about the pain of other
people, and usually we find that they are not unlike us. We
want to know that we are not alone and that other human beings
in the world know our basic emotions and desires. Memoirs fill
this need since they involve a particular portion of or thematic
conflict in one's life. In the telling of the story, the writer
celebrates the mystery and complexity of life and speaks about
resilience, loneliness, love, hope, and transcendence. BEYOND
MS is such a story. Through eidetics, many have experienced
the extraordinary capabilities of the mind and the body for
healing and restoration of emotional and physical health. There
has been a steady increase in the number of practitioners in
the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia who are currently
using Dr. Ahsen's eidetic method. For information on training,
the Journal of Mental Imagery, more books on eidetics, or for
any questions you may have, please click on the "Contact"
Nancy Bent, Ph.D. |
©2011 Nancy A. Bent, Ph.D. All rights reserved. |